Saturday, August 4, 2012

Intro to a Juice Cleanse

Today I kick off my three day cleanse. I opted for the BluePrintCleanse (BPC), Renovation, or Level 1, because this is my first time venturing into the world of juices and I didn’t want to bite off more than I could chew (or sip?)

I’m nervous because, honestly, I don’t really like juice. I know the BPC drinks most likely won’t taste like your average glass of Tropicana, but I’m just not a big fan of beverages other than water.

Also, I love food! Maybe too much. Maybe ten pounds in two years too much. So, one goal of this cleanse is to jumpstart healthier eating habits and keep my total calorie consumption in check (at least for the next couple of days).

I followed the pre-cleanse directions as closely as possible but due to a family birthday dinner last night, I might not start off on the best foot.

In order to gauge the effect the cleanse has on my system, I thought it would be prudent to keep track of as much personal health information as possible. Although I doubt three days can make a real difference in overall health, I'll report back with any significant changes on Day 3.

This cleanse should be a hilarious experience but I know if I feel sick or "off" at any point, I can and will stop. I'll listen to my body. So without further ado...


1 comment:

  1. Very effectively written information. It will be worthwhile to anyone who uses it, including myself. Sustain the nice work – for positive I’ll check out extra posts.
    Juice cleanse
