Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maybe I Should Change the Name of this Blog

Yup, it's official. I got a job :)

After sending out my resume to over a hundred companies and drafting industry-appropriate cover letters; after whining to my parents and driving my friends crazy; after hours of babysitting and paid research studies, I can finally say: I'M EMPLOYED!

I think the hardest part now is picking up and leaving the world I've been a part of for the past 4 years. Hyde Park is certainly far from paradise but I carved out a homey niche for myself. My apartment, with its Pepto-Bismol pink walls and sticky kitchen floor, was a haven for me during the iciest days of winter and kept me safe from dining hall food and dorm germs.

Now it's on to the next apartment. My friend A and I have been searching all over craigslist hoping to find a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom unit that isn't underground and doesn't smell like stale beer. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in Chicago until the movers come in two weeks and A is busy at work all day. So, the main apartment hunter: my mom. That's what mothers are for, right? I've booked tours and appointments for her every day this week, barely allowing her time for lunch in between building visits. With little sister S playing chauffeur, mom has been trekking all over downtown DC in search of the perfect new place.

Fingers crossed A and I find an apartment we both love before the end of the week, otherwise all my belongings will sit in "movers limbo" somewhere between Chicago and Washington.

I'm looking forward to the next phase of my life but I have to say... I'm going to miss you hyDe parK.


  1. y dont you just live at home, and whats the job

  2. i'm mad i didn't know you had a blog until now.

  3. ya kat live at home!! it's cheap and there's good food and fam

  4. I think hyDe parK is something you've outgrown. You're moving on to bigger and better things
